Little Reader


Little Reader (BETA)

Compilation of Baby Kyler’s development (12 – 26 months) (See all videos here.)


Little Reader is currently in closed beta testing – invite-only, and for Android.

If you are interested to join beta testing, please indicate your interest here:

Little Reader Beta Testing Form

Little Reader is a tool that makes it easy for parents to teach their young children a variety of skills, including language, music and math.

Suitable for babies 6 months and up, Little Reader’s main focus is on native language development, helping a child:

why is little READER so


The key to success is creating personalized content for the child, and the parent being able to easily do so.

See “6 Most Important Things To Know About Teaching Babies and Toddlers

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Little Reader is designed to make it as easy as possible for parents to be able to create personalized content, and be able to deliver that content to their children seamlessly.

A product is only effective if it gets used, which mainly depends on whether it can continue to retain the child’s interest and attention over the long term. Nothing does that better than personalized content that incorporates people, places and things which the child is connected to and interested in. Personalized content ensures that lessons forever remain fresh and meaningful to the child, unlike fixed generic content that has little connection to the child.

This is exactly what Little Reader allows you to do easily, and why children remain interested in it even after a year and more.

The good news is, it’s easy! We take pictures and videos of our little ones all the time anyway, and what’s required is simply adding words to them, and playing them back to your child – that’s it!

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Helping Babies and Toddlers Learn Language (Part 1)

Kyler’s Reading Journey